Blue Belt Kicking Combination

START: Ready stance: Rear foot stance, middle section forearm guarding block.

  1. Forward high section right reverse hooking kick, step down and follow with high section left reverse hooking kick. Perform last 2 kicks in fast motion continuous combination, followed by right leg turning kick.
  2. Backwards off leading leg high section outer crescent kick stepping down momentarily followed by low section front snap kick off leading leg, stepping back into right L stance. Perform 2 kicks as a fast motion continuous combination. Repeat sequence left leg lead stepping back to left L stance. Repeat sequence right leg lead stepping back to right L stance.
  3. Front snap kick low section left leg, step down and perform shuffle middle section side kick backwards, followed by one step flying side with right leg to the front. Perform the kicks as a continuous combination.
  4. Front snap kick low section right leg, step down and perform shuffle middle section side kick backwards, followed by one step flying side with left leg to the front. Perform the kicks as a continuous combination. Finish in rear foot stance forearm guarding.